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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Swimming Pool Cocktail

  • 4 (1.18 oz) Vodka 
  • 2 (0.59 oz) Cream 
  • 2 (0.59 oz) Cream of coconut 
  • 2 (0.59 oz) Curaçao, blue 
  • 10 (2.96 oz) Pineapple Juice 

  1. Chill a hurricane glass with ice and pour it out when you are ready to pour the ingredients in the glass.
  2. Pour pineapple juice, vodka, cream and cream of coconut with ice into a blender.
  3. Blend until smooth.
  4. Pour into a Hurricane glass.
  5. Float the blue curacao on top and serve it.
  6. Add a straw and garish with a slice of pineapple and a cherry. 
Enjoy your Swimming Pool!